How to disable programs that let THE SLOWEST PC in the initialization
As new applications will go being installed in the computer, the tendency is that are more necessary time to link him. The reason is simple: For standard, lots of programs if auto-configure to initiate automatically, with the operating system. In response to readers' doubts, WNews gives hints of how to disable the softwares initialization in machines with the Windows.
Besides loading the operating system, the PC needs to open all of these applications, that keep running in second plan and generally appear on the tasks bar, next to the watch. That demands a larger time to initialize the Windows, and the computer also gets slower, since they take a part of the available memory RAM. This way, publish texts or to navigate in the internet can demand more time and user's patience, mostly if the machine is old and with a powerful not much configuration.
But, to who faces that problem, there are solutions. In excess simple is to be attentive in the hour to installing a new program. See if he offers the option of automatic shipment and, if you are the case, is enough unmark her. The software will be usually installed, but it is going to be open just when you want.
Other exit, a little more laborious, is to do the configuration of manual form, I saw utilitarian of system configuration. To opened him, in the Windows XP, is enough click in Initiate, Execute, type "msconfig" (without the quotation marks) and to press Enter. If you are using sight it, it is enough type the command in researches bar and to pressure the same key.
After, it is alone to follow until the brim Initialize. There, they will be listed all the programs that initialize when the computer is linked. It is enough unmark the ones that you want to disable and, soon after, select the option To apply. The computer needs to be restarted so that the alterations be applied.
It is important to remind that it is not advisable to go unmark everything. Especially because there are softwares that are essential for the machine good operation, as it is the antivirus case. Therefore, it worths verifying the list with attention and to select only the programs that need not to be opened the whole time.
In case the applications name seems strange (the Windows Live Messenger, for example, can be listed as "msnmsgr.exe"), the hint is to check the line Command, that indicates the address where are safe the applications.
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