The Fonts and Colors Used by Facebook, Twitter and Google+
Fonts – Lucida Grande/Tahoma (Web), Helvetica/Roboto (Mobile)
Facebook favours Lucida Grande (Mac) and Tahoma (PC) for its text in the web interface, and for mobile, uses the system defaults Helvetica Neue (iOS) and Roboto (Android).
Colors – #3b5998
The main ‘Facebook blue’ color has a hex value of #3b5998 and the RGB values: 59, 89, 152 #FFFFFF. The full palette used on the site is viewable
Fonts – Helvetica Neue (Web and Mobile)
Twitter recently reverted a high-profile font change, returning to Helvetica Neue for the web after a brief period of using Gotham Narrow SSm.
On mobile devices, the font remains Helvetica Neue, Arial or the system default sans-serif font.
Colors – #55ACEE
Twitter uses a bright blue as its primary color, pairing it with variants of Twitter gray which contain blue, and black and white. Courtesy of Twitter’s brand assets page, below is an image with the full palette.
Fonts – Roboto
Google+ uses the Roboto font, which is also the default font for Android, Google Maps and Google Play.
Colors – #dd4b39
The main ‘Google+ red’ color has a hex value of #dd4b39 and the RGB values: 221, 75, 57
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